Life for Shauna and I has been going pretty good. If you count Shauna being able to smell the goat being cooked 3 floors down, having morning sickness in the afternoons and evenings, and wondering if we are ready for this whole parenthood thing.
Yes you read that right we are pregnant. Actually Shauna is I'm just excited and helping by putting on a few sympathy pounds. (For the baby of course.) We went and got a sonogram and below is Baby Spence at 12 weeks old. Mongolians like some Asian cultures give there age counting the 9 months in the womb. I like that, even though it is a bit confusing when it comes to birthdays. We were able to see the heartbeat and some features. You can see the head, a leg, and the white spot above the nose is the arm. (OK so I don't expect any of you to actually be able to see what we can) It was great to see the little tyke as the doctor was taking the picture.