Oct 1, 2009

Major stuff getting done

As you can see we now have a mostly complete bathroom.  I was able to take a full hot bath the other night, it was wonderful.


09 27 09_2010    09 25 09_2021

09 27 09_2009


No that is not my bald head in the picture.  Roy Jackson from Kentucky was here and did a superb job tiling the bathroom and hanging my doors.  A huge THANK YOU to him.  We also have done some painting downstairs and of course all the other "little" jobs that you wouldn't be able to see on a picture.


09 27 09_2013    09 27 09_2012

09 27 09_2014 



I was also able to get a full truck load of coal for the winter.  I realize now that I should have gotten 1/2 a truck load.  As you can see they stacked it pretty high.  We should have enough to last 2 winters now!!!  The taller board in front is about 5 feet 6 inches tall.  That is about 51/2 tons of coal !!!  We will be warm this winter.



  09 27 09_2019 09 30 09_2022