I have not been able to update the blog in a while. I'm not sure if that is good or bad. It means we have been keeping plenty busy actually living life rather then writing about it. But that is just a nice sounding excuse :)
I have decided to expand the content of this blog. It has mainly been a way to update people on our family, I now want to add a few posts on what God is teaching us, and how He is working in our ministry. So you can look forward to those posts as well. As for now here is an update on... well Kaylee.

Kaylee is doing good, she has an occasional cold/cough but pretty healthy. Her bottom two teeth have broken through but still pushing up. They no longer hurt as much. She is now eating dinner with us. Thanks to a handy food grinder we were given she ea

ts what we eat.
We had a good Christmas. Kaylee was sent a lot of Toys. Of course all the toys from America have both English and Spanish. I'm not sure why parents can't find Mongolian language toys :) Shauna's big gift this year was a rocking chair that has been set up for a few months. (It makes those few middle of the night crying sessions better.) I, Jeff got enough money for tools that we should be set once we start to build the house. Meaning I should be able to buy 2 cheap Chinese tools of everything I will need. I figure most will burn up by the time the house is finished. With most tools I figure I can buy 3-4 Chinese one's compared to the cheaper American tools.