Feb 11, 2009

New Support Paradigm

Have you ever read the book "Who moved my Cheese?"  It is a good book about change and the way different people handle change. 


With the year 2009 comes many changes not just for us (Mikayla, new house) but also for World Partners.  With the downturn in the economy and wanting to be more flexible they have now done away with the SHARE system.  Yes you read that right NO MORE SHARE'S.  For those of you who have supported us but never really understood the whole system you no longer have to worry about it.  Now we will only communicate in actual dollars needed or pledged and not 2.3 shares ($46/month).  This will also save ink (except on this newsletter) in trying to explain the system.  This is also not simply a cosmetic change as some have been in the past.


As of now our salary is directly tied to our support.  Meaning if our support falls off so does our salary.  We are still a part of World Partners health insurance, and they do have a contingency fund so that we can have time to bring our support back up.  However if our Year To Date support drops then so does our salary.  What this means is if you normally pay once a year it is better for us to receive that at the beginning of the year.  If you pay quarterly then it won't effect us because of the contingency fund.


The amount we need for 2009 is just under $75,000.  This includes everything from our salary, health insurance, newsletter cost's, to our return plane tickets.  This also reflects a 7% reduction in our salary.  Most of this amount has been pledged and we thank you all for your continued support.

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