Apr 2, 2009

Moving Again

We finally have moved into an apartment that we will live in until the house is built this summer.  When we first came to Bayonkhongor in September we could not find a place to rent.  However, this spring our friend Stegmend knew someone who wanted to rent their apartment out for the spring and summer months.  Most people do not rent in the winter because they want to live in their apartment during the coldest part of the year.  This family moved most everything out of the apartment so we could move our stuff in. 

As we were getting ready for the move it was a bit complicated.  We cleaned and moved a few things on Friday but the bulk of the stuff was moved on Saturday.  Saturday morning Narcka brought some of his students and they helped move the stuff from the summer house to the apartment.  They moved it all in two hours.  It was so great to have them help us or we would have been moving all week.  In the afternoon the YWAM base sent about six young men to help us put things together and fix whatever might need fixed.  Laura from our team helped me unpack and it was such a blessing. 

Sunday David Jung came from California to help Jeff work on getting CHE implemented.  It has been slow going and he gave Jeff some good ideas to help get him started.  Needless to say I had to do the rest of the unpacking because David was here until Thursday and they were very busy.  Laura did come on Sunday and helped me for a couple more hours, which helped greatly and by Monday I had everything unpack except for a few things that were still at the other house.  By Wednesday the chore was completed and was so thankful for all the help we received.  It made such a huge difference for us all.

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